Well, it [the title] almost rhymes.
In my cyberspace travels, I came across a nice little questionnaire about the past year. I figured that since I have always, in some form or another, recounted the past year in written form, a questionnaire would be a sufficient manner in which to do this. I mean, it's no heartfelt diary entry (see former self and many old diaries), but it'll do.
So, I present, 2010 in review.
1. What was the single best thing that happened this past year?
This past year has been filled with many blessings, many trials, many good books. The best thing that has happened? Oh goodness, this is a tough one. I think that the single best thing is a part of a greater best thing. The greater best thing is Redeemer University College, and the life I have made there. The single best thing would be my wonderful group of first year girls and the relationships I have been able to build with them, and the things they have taught me about Christ's love and what it means to be a servant and a leader.
2. What is the single most challenging thing that has happened this past year?
The single most challenging thing that happened this year was, with no exceptions, working at Redeemer over the summer. It was a terrible job, for horrible pay. In reality, the only good thing about the job was that it taught me that I never want to get into the hotel/service industry. Bleh. It took a lot of self-convincing to get myself up every morning to go to a job which I absolutely despised. And I mean despised. It was a decision I resent, but it was an experience. It is, after all, through challenging experiences that we grow and change. I learned that I hated making beds.
3. What was an unexpected joy this past year?
Getting to know Jon MacDonald. One of my favourite things about the terrible job were those times when I didn't work, but spent time at Jon's, eating pizza, and watching anything from Galaxy Quest to the Police Academy series. He even taught me how to play Guitar Hero. Now, I sucked, but at least now I know!
4. What was an unexpected obstacle?
Moving four times in four months was a little annoying. But that wasn't really unexpected...
5. Pick 3 words to describe 2010.
Growth. Laughter. God-breathed.
6. What were the best books you read this past year?
I really enjoyed FINALLY reading all of the Hitchhiker's series. But my favourite books were The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield, Beatrice and Virgil by Yann Martel, and A Jest of God by Margaret Laurence. The best, creatively speaking, was The Eyre Affair, by Jasper Fforde. The best, politically and socially speaking, would be Beatrice and Virgil.
7. With whom were your most valuable relationships?
My roommate, Amanda. Joel, Maria, Emily. And the beautiful girls I have had the opportunity to live with in the past year - including Kait, Keeley, Lauren and Yana. These girls are the best. Also, one of my most valuable relationships this year has been with Jer. He is one of my best friends at Redeemer, and he and I have been through a lot together. We have grown together, and I am incredibly grateful for the support system and brother I have in him.
8. What was the single-biggest time waster in your life this past year?
Uh, Facebook. That's a no brainer. However, I also worked through the entire series of Gilmore Girls this past summer. That was a huge waste of time.
9. What was the best way in which you used your time this past year?
Learning to pray and spending time in prayer. I have always struggled with prayer in my relationship with God. I think I struggle with it because prayer is a conversation, and, in many ways, a recognized dependence. I don't like not being in control [thankfully, that means I am human]. One of the girls I live with, Meredeth (see the side for her blog), started a Wednesday morning prayer group. Getting up at 7am for prayer, mid-week, has been, hands down, one of the best ways I have spent time in the past year.
10. What was the biggest thing you learned this past year?
I learned to read Shakespeare properly, which I must say, is a very exciting accomplishment. I learned time management. I learned how to be a good student, not just a student, after I realized that God called me to be a student (for now), and so He demands my all. That was a pretty cool thing to learn.
So, what are my goals for 2011?
I would like to be able to finally finish reading Henry James' Portrait of a Lady.
I hope to lead, by the grace of God, a missions team to Juarez, Mexico, in February 2011.
I hope to open myself up to what God is teaching me, and follow Him.
And, to finish this post off, something funny to watch for the New Year. Tonight, Mom, Dad and I were watching The Cosby Show, where Theo and Cockroach had been studying Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. This was their rendition:
Pretty funny, eh?!
I suppose that if Shakespeare was taught like this, students might actually enjoy his work.
Happy 2011!
Word of the Day: celebrate
Quote of the Day: Girl from The Waltons: "You left Floyd and Me." [Baby cries]. Me: "Poor kid, he just realized that his name is Floyd."
Dec 31, 2010
Dec 28, 2010
Last Book of 2010
Well, as this year draws to a close, I have decided that I need to finish at least one more book before 2011 rings in.
That book is 'Lost in a Good Book' by Jasper Fforde.
I really enjoy Jasper Fforde, though I'm finding he has a way of including references to more Charles Dickens novels than anything else. This particular novel also has a few references to Alice in Wonderland, Franz Kafka and Thomas Hardy (and that's nice to see).
So far, I give this book my approval. Though, if you are going to read it, I suggest reading 'The Eyre Affair', 'Jane Eyre', and a few Dickens novels (Mystery of Edwin Drood, Great Expectations, etc). Give yourself a good foundation. I don't know how you could understand these books without a solid knowledge of Classical literature.
Side note: What are the 6 most boring novels in Classic literature? Apparently Spencer's 'Faerie Queene' isn't one of them...
Word of the Day: sleep
Quote of the Day: "Can I get in your snowpants?" -Me to Mom
That book is 'Lost in a Good Book' by Jasper Fforde.
I really enjoy Jasper Fforde, though I'm finding he has a way of including references to more Charles Dickens novels than anything else. This particular novel also has a few references to Alice in Wonderland, Franz Kafka and Thomas Hardy (and that's nice to see).
So far, I give this book my approval. Though, if you are going to read it, I suggest reading 'The Eyre Affair', 'Jane Eyre', and a few Dickens novels (Mystery of Edwin Drood, Great Expectations, etc). Give yourself a good foundation. I don't know how you could understand these books without a solid knowledge of Classical literature.
Side note: What are the 6 most boring novels in Classic literature? Apparently Spencer's 'Faerie Queene' isn't one of them...
Word of the Day: sleep
Quote of the Day: "Can I get in your snowpants?" -Me to Mom
Dec 24, 2010
Celebration. God is with us!
Emmanuel, God has come!
So, celebrate.
Joy to the world, the Lord has come! The earth recieve her King! Let every heart prepare Him room, and heaven and nature sing!
Word of the Day: Rejoice
Quote of the Day: "For unto us a child is born."
So, celebrate.
Joy to the world, the Lord has come! The earth recieve her King! Let every heart prepare Him room, and heaven and nature sing!
Word of the Day: Rejoice
Quote of the Day: "For unto us a child is born."
Dec 19, 2010
Advent Praise
In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, in oder that we, who were the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory. And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession -- to the praise of his glory.
- Ephesians 1: 2-14
Word of the Day: honour
Quote of the Day: "Is the internet finite or infinite? (pause) What! It's been a long time since I have had a ridiculous intellectual discussion!" Erica Akers
Dec 18, 2010
Let Hope Rise
Erica comes home from France for Christmas.
Christmas is coming.
Let Hope Rise. Let Darkness Tremble.
Happy Weekend.
Word of the Day: Predictable
Quote of the Day: :You drive on the other side of the road in Alberta?!" Corey Van Huizen
Erica comes home from France for Christmas.
Christmas is coming.
Let Hope Rise. Let Darkness Tremble.
Happy Weekend.
Word of the Day: Predictable
Quote of the Day: :You drive on the other side of the road in Alberta?!" Corey Van Huizen
Dec 14, 2010
Snowmagedon (The Sequel)
I wonder if London's snowstorm was the calm...
The full story of the snow storm that has hit SouthWestern Ontario can be found here. And I encourage you to watch some of the footage. The woman speaking on the phone is Wilma Zondag, a wonderful person who has the gift of organization and leadership. East Christian Reformed Church was my home church for 8 years.
What people do not understand about the snowstorm is that the 402 between London and Sarnia is the only major road connecting those cities. Strathroy, my hometown, is the only town between them with 2 Tim Hortons' and more than 3 stop lights (We have about 8, and that officially make us the coolest!). So, when the news says people are stranded between London and Sarnia, in Strathroy, they aren't kidding. The stretch between Strathroy and Sarnia is farm country, completely open for blowing wind and terrible driving conditions. The 402 is a vital highway simply for the transportation of goods that come from the Sarnia/Port Huron border. So, if something like Snowmagedon hits, they aren't kidding when they say it is bad.
You can see the photos too!
Yet, I have a response to all the people who are wondering why they cannot just have the choppers that the army sent out working at a faster rate...
The weather is still bad enough, that it is dangerous for them to fly. Snowplows can't get out because there is too much snow for them to operate. Sometimes it happens that the only way to find people is to put on your snowshoes, get in your snowmobile, and go. Welcome to my neck of the woods.
The following photo was sent to me from my friend, Craig DeBoer. He lives in Wyoming, ON, which is halfway between Strathroy and Sarnia. This is what his farm looked like yesterday:
I love winter. I really do.
But I also love it when people are able to travel safely. My dad, who left for work yesterday morning, is stuck out in the snow, he's staying at someone's house near Wyoming. If it wasn't for kind strangers who were willing to take in those who managed to get out before complete disaster, the Can Forces would have a lot more work on their hands.
Word of the Day: Preposterous
Quote of the Day: "The little girl found Narnia behind a Walmart Photocentre Cashier Desk!" -Me, waiting to get a new passport photo taken
The full story of the snow storm that has hit SouthWestern Ontario can be found here. And I encourage you to watch some of the footage. The woman speaking on the phone is Wilma Zondag, a wonderful person who has the gift of organization and leadership. East Christian Reformed Church was my home church for 8 years.
What people do not understand about the snowstorm is that the 402 between London and Sarnia is the only major road connecting those cities. Strathroy, my hometown, is the only town between them with 2 Tim Hortons' and more than 3 stop lights (We have about 8, and that officially make us the coolest!). So, when the news says people are stranded between London and Sarnia, in Strathroy, they aren't kidding. The stretch between Strathroy and Sarnia is farm country, completely open for blowing wind and terrible driving conditions. The 402 is a vital highway simply for the transportation of goods that come from the Sarnia/Port Huron border. So, if something like Snowmagedon hits, they aren't kidding when they say it is bad.
You can see the photos too!
Yet, I have a response to all the people who are wondering why they cannot just have the choppers that the army sent out working at a faster rate...
The weather is still bad enough, that it is dangerous for them to fly. Snowplows can't get out because there is too much snow for them to operate. Sometimes it happens that the only way to find people is to put on your snowshoes, get in your snowmobile, and go. Welcome to my neck of the woods.
The following photo was sent to me from my friend, Craig DeBoer. He lives in Wyoming, ON, which is halfway between Strathroy and Sarnia. This is what his farm looked like yesterday:
I love winter. I really do.
But I also love it when people are able to travel safely. My dad, who left for work yesterday morning, is stuck out in the snow, he's staying at someone's house near Wyoming. If it wasn't for kind strangers who were willing to take in those who managed to get out before complete disaster, the Can Forces would have a lot more work on their hands.
Word of the Day: Preposterous
Quote of the Day: "The little girl found Narnia behind a Walmart Photocentre Cashier Desk!" -Me, waiting to get a new passport photo taken
Dec 13, 2010
Ancaster has Snow!
I never thought this day would happen. I think that, in one snowfall, we have more snow here now than we did during last year's winter. Crazy stuff!
Campus last night was excited, to put it mildly.
I sat on the porch with a blanket, watching the snow fall against streetlights. And then I watched 70% of Redeemer students bundle up in their winter stuff and have a campus-wide snowball fight. Amazing.
Word of the Day: Defeat
Quote of the Day: "Oh come Emmanuel."
Dec 11, 2010
Exam Time
This year it doesn't feel like classes should be over. It doesn't feel like it is time for final exams.
I have my first final in about 3 hours. It sounds daunting, but I cannot imagine that it is. Here is the thing with studying.
I don't like studying. I don't actually find it to be at all productive. Sure, for things like Math, Science, and Religion, it is a very good method. But English? Shakespeare? The best it is going to do is remind me of the evil in Richard III, or tragedy of Lear, or Prospero's genius in The Tempest. I actually have a really hard time studying for English classes. The key is reading everything the first time. After that, it is just a matter of running through notes.
Word of the Day: Clandestine
Quote of the Day: "I am the trophy wife of dictators." Meghan
I have my first final in about 3 hours. It sounds daunting, but I cannot imagine that it is. Here is the thing with studying.
I don't like studying. I don't actually find it to be at all productive. Sure, for things like Math, Science, and Religion, it is a very good method. But English? Shakespeare? The best it is going to do is remind me of the evil in Richard III, or tragedy of Lear, or Prospero's genius in The Tempest. I actually have a really hard time studying for English classes. The key is reading everything the first time. After that, it is just a matter of running through notes.
Word of the Day: Clandestine
Quote of the Day: "I am the trophy wife of dictators." Meghan
Dec 8, 2010
If you know anything about South-Western Ontario, you know that in the winter it gets snow like no where else in Canada.
If you have been an avid reader of my blog since the beginning, you know that Hamilton/Ancaster hasn't seen a good snow in about a two years. I refer to my neck of the universe as 'the tropics', which really isn't true, because it gets awfully cold, it just doesn't snow.
Well, recently London, ON, has experienced a phenomenon that my friend Megan Cowan has affectionately dubbed as Snowmagedon.
This is what London ON looks like (I may or may not have, with the first being the more likely of the two, stolen this from my best friend, Kelsey Kalverda):
Ancaster looks like this:
If you have been an avid reader of my blog since the beginning, you know that Hamilton/Ancaster hasn't seen a good snow in about a two years. I refer to my neck of the universe as 'the tropics', which really isn't true, because it gets awfully cold, it just doesn't snow.
Well, recently London, ON, has experienced a phenomenon that my friend Megan Cowan has affectionately dubbed as Snowmagedon.
This is what London ON looks like (I may or may not have, with the first being the more likely of the two, stolen this from my best friend, Kelsey Kalverda):
Ancaster looks like this:
As you can see, we are quite lacking on the snow. In fact, for us students, knowing that the University of Western Ontario and Fanshawe College have been shut down for a few days, are actually hoping the opposite. We don't want a Snowmagedon here. We want to write our exams and go home for Christmas.
Word of the Day: aforementioned (Amanda used it in an essay)
Quote of the Day: "Bloody...DIARRHEA! What? I didn't want to insult the British!" Ben Lootens
Dec 6, 2010
The Canadian University Press
Here is some exciting news!
In the new year I have the priviledge of attending the Canadian University Press conference (affectionately known as NASH) in Montreal, Quebec. I get to go to some fun seminars, stay at the Hyatt Regency hotel, meet a whole bunch of journalists from all across Canada, and have an amazing time... Oh, and did I mention that the CUP (Canadian University Press) is paying for me to come, be there, and go home again?
Word of the Day: virescent
Quote of the Day: "Art lives upon discussion." Henry James, American novelist, 1884.
In the new year I have the priviledge of attending the Canadian University Press conference (affectionately known as NASH) in Montreal, Quebec. I get to go to some fun seminars, stay at the Hyatt Regency hotel, meet a whole bunch of journalists from all across Canada, and have an amazing time... Oh, and did I mention that the CUP (Canadian University Press) is paying for me to come, be there, and go home again?
Word of the Day: virescent
Quote of the Day: "Art lives upon discussion." Henry James, American novelist, 1884.
Dec 2, 2010
The Northrop Story
Last night I was terrified that Northrop was going to die.
He had been rather lethargic the last few days. He wasn't eating, and he didn't get excited when anyone came into the room. In my former years, way back before I 1) kept a blog and 2) was in University, I had a couple goldfish. I got them from a GEMS dinner when I was about 13. Lipstick, a white and gold one with a black mouth died within a few days. Gill, the gold and black spotted one stayed alive for years. He lived in the worst living conditions a fish could imagine. I think I cleaned his bowl once a month, fed him once every couple of weeks, and just neglected him. I was an irresponsible teenager. Ironically, the thing that killed Gill was a water change in the spring of 2006. I was 17 years old. I was laughing so hard, I was crying, and poking the darn thing to try and get it to live. The whole incident, though tragic, was highly entertaining.
So, this summer I decided I wanted to buy a guitar. Instead, Dan Kikkert took me to PetSmart, and I got Northrop (it took a couple hours to come by that name). He was the most energetic of all the fish. He would swim around in a circle with excitement when I got close to the container he was in, he didn't try to eat any of the other fish. He was sweet, and energetic, and happy. So, I bought him.
For about a month, Northrop lived in a vase with some purple beads that didn't stay on the bottom. He liked pushing them around and diving at them, and trying to get them to sink or float. He always greeted me at the glass when it was time to be fed. He was such a happy fish. Then, I moved him into a fishbowl which I had bought from Pet Smart. I had picked up and dried and then boiled and then redried some rocks from a beach, and then purchased some cheap vines. Northrop was tranfered into the bowl somewhere near the end of July. He had culture shock at first. He didn't move around much, he wouldn't eat, he didn't greet me. I think he just didn't know what to make of all the room there was in which to swim.
Northrop then came with me to Redeemer. He lived on the coffee table for a couple days until I cleaned his bowl and moved him upstairs to the shelf. He then has had a happy life, getting irritated at Natalie's orange hair, getting irritated at orange and pink highlighters, greeting me every morning when I feed him, and just being a generally happy fish. And I mean happy. Bettas are, apparently usually very boring and unattentive fish. They usually sleep a lot. Not Northrop. He was always an energetic fish.
(The fish below is not Northrop, but a fish that looks like Northrop)
(The fish below is not Northrop, but a fish that looks like Northrop)
Until, that is, a few days ago. Over the weekend I noticed that he wasn't eating as much as he usually does, and he was spending a lot of time wedged in between the weeds close to the surface. Tuesday, I noticed that he hadn't eaten anything, and was just laying around lethargically. For Northrop, this was strange. I looked up some information on Bettas last night and discovered that lethargy and lack of appetite in a Betta fish means one of three things:
1) The bowl needs to be cleaned because there are high levels of nitrate and ammonia which are apparently really bad for their respiratory systems,
2) The water is too cold; Betta's need warmer temperatures, in the cold, they move less in order to reserve energy.
3) Northrop is sick. Apparently, not eating is one of the sure signs that one has a sick Betta.
So, I ran down my checklist. The windows had been open in our room that weekend because it was a little warm in the house, and you know, Amanda and I give off a lot of body heat when we...study. So that was likely a contributing factor, but that didn't explain why he wasn't eating. Next, cleaning the bowl... it had been over a month since I had last done that. I mean, he is one fish in a 1.5 gallon bowl. He doesn't eat THAT much, and there were a substantial amount of rocks on the bottom of the bowl to keep the water from getting too poluted. I cleaned the bowl anyways.
It was almost instantaneous. I brought him downstairs and did my cleaning ritual. My girls cheered (mostly because they wanted to see Northrop live too). Suddenly, this fish, who had been a living floating device for the last few days came back to life. He was swimming around and exploring his clean bowl (probably because he could see in it again). He was diving down and around, and swimming through the reeds and rocks, and just having a grand ole time. So, I took him back upstairs and sat him back on the shelf. Within half an hour, he was getting lethargic again, and using the reeds near the surface for support.
Oh, dear, I couldn't help but think. Another fish is going to die because I changed his water.
So I looked up everything I could about Betta fish. Their eating habits, habitats, appropriate water temperatures, etc. I looked up diseases, cures, and everything in between. But there was poor Northrop, just doing... nothing.
The only thing I could do was leave him for the night and hope that he would be alive in the morning.
When I woke up this morning, I hobbled across the room and peered towards Northrop's bowl. I couldn't seem to figure out where he was. I didn't see him in the spot I left him in last night. He wasn't hiding in his usual spot in the reeds, and he wasn't swimming around. Instantly, I started looking around the bowl. I have heard of other fish who have jumped out of their bowls, so I checked thoroughly. No sign of Northrop. So, I started to make noise. Suddenly, a little purple thing wiggles its way out of the bottom of the fish bowl, where he had been hiding under rocks, and swam right up to the glass and looked at me. Then, he veered head first into the glass about 8 times, before he swam and hid behind the reeds.
So, I did the next logical thing - I tried to feed him. I took about 5 pellets and dropped them at the top of the bowl. Within seconds, Northrop made a beeline for the pellets. I have never seen anything eat so quickly.
I still don't know what was wrong with him. Maybe it was just that he needed a water change, and some heat from my lamp. But this morning his colour was back to normal, and he was happy and excited to be alive. Strange fish.
On a completely different note: The weather cannot decide whether or not it wants to snow. There is a flake every couple minutes. I hope it just snows.
Word of the Day: Water
Quote of the Day: "I'm looking down at you, and all I can see is your face and your boobs, and I'm not sure which to look at! " Nathan Wensink
Nov 29, 2010
The Tempest
Oh, Shakespeare! How I dote upon your genius!
Recently, in fact, for today, I have had to re-read The Tempest. It is by far one of my favourites of Shakespeare's works. It is his last written play, and the epilogue of the play is Shakespeare's own farewell to the theatre.
Now my charms are all o'erthrown
And what strength I have 's mine own,
Which is most faint. Now, 'tis true
I must be here confined by you
Or sent to Naples. Let me not,
Since I have my dukedom got
And pardoned the deceiver dwell
In this bare island by your spell,
But release me from my bands
With the help of your good hands.
Gentle breath of yours my sails
Must fill, or else my project fails,
Which was to please. Now I want
Spirits to enforce, art to enchant,
And my ending is despair
Unless I be relieved by prayer,
Which pierces so that it assaults
Mercy itself, and frees all faults.
As you from crimes would pardoned be,
Let your indulgence set me free.
Wonderful words. "Let your indulgence set me free." Shakespeare's epilogues call the audience to clap, as the play aims to please. In Midsummer Night's Dream, Puck's ending soliloquy calls the audience to forgive the faults, and count the play as nothing more than a dream. Here, Shakespeare is asking us to put our hands together, and release him from the theatre. He bids the audience goodbye, one last time. Clever, isn't it.
Could Shakespeare ever truly be free from his scripts? Is asking for our indulgence, as the audience, really going to 'set him free?'
Perhaps not.
December 10, 2010. From the Director of 'Across the Universe', comes The Tempest.
I know what I'm going to be doing in a few weeks!
Word of the Day: Spirit
Quote of the Day: "Well, that's just maddening the unhelpful!" Johnny Depp, as Captain Jack Sparrow
Recently, in fact, for today, I have had to re-read The Tempest. It is by far one of my favourites of Shakespeare's works. It is his last written play, and the epilogue of the play is Shakespeare's own farewell to the theatre.
Now my charms are all o'erthrown
And what strength I have 's mine own,
Which is most faint. Now, 'tis true
I must be here confined by you
Or sent to Naples. Let me not,
Since I have my dukedom got
And pardoned the deceiver dwell
In this bare island by your spell,
But release me from my bands
With the help of your good hands.
Gentle breath of yours my sails
Must fill, or else my project fails,
Which was to please. Now I want
Spirits to enforce, art to enchant,
And my ending is despair
Unless I be relieved by prayer,
Which pierces so that it assaults
Mercy itself, and frees all faults.
As you from crimes would pardoned be,
Let your indulgence set me free.
Wonderful words. "Let your indulgence set me free." Shakespeare's epilogues call the audience to clap, as the play aims to please. In Midsummer Night's Dream, Puck's ending soliloquy calls the audience to forgive the faults, and count the play as nothing more than a dream. Here, Shakespeare is asking us to put our hands together, and release him from the theatre. He bids the audience goodbye, one last time. Clever, isn't it.
Could Shakespeare ever truly be free from his scripts? Is asking for our indulgence, as the audience, really going to 'set him free?'
Perhaps not.
December 10, 2010. From the Director of 'Across the Universe', comes The Tempest.
I know what I'm going to be doing in a few weeks!
Word of the Day: Spirit
Quote of the Day: "Well, that's just maddening the unhelpful!" Johnny Depp, as Captain Jack Sparrow
Nov 28, 2010
Have you Heard the Bells?
I can't decide which version of this song I like better.
You don't really need to pay attention to the clips in the second one. I'm interested in the song, not the pictures, persay.
The first version is by Casting Crowns, the second by MercyMe. They are very different. Yet they are both awesome!
Also, a poem I have written. It snowed in Ancaster. I hold to the hope that the weather is making up for last year.
Word of the Day: Scrupulous
Quote of the Day: "Advent means coming to understand what it is to be in expectation of the Life of Jesus, and living thus." Pastor John
You don't really need to pay attention to the clips in the second one. I'm interested in the song, not the pictures, persay.
The first version is by Casting Crowns, the second by MercyMe. They are very different. Yet they are both awesome!
Also, a poem I have written. It snowed in Ancaster. I hold to the hope that the weather is making up for last year.
The days be bitter and the nights be cold
As flakes fall softly on the streets alight
And window’s corner be they new or old
Bid fog and frost in panes’ winter delight.
There, ministry seeks frost’s cold design
Of stained glass mirrors and candle’s light show
The frozen tears and journey thus here shine
Against warm breath or eyes with golden glow.
For in the flakes a grace it doth now fall
To mittens, rosy cheeks and childish faith
Where peace be yours and goodwill to all,
Chime voices sweetly, the world to bathe,
And the street suns bid the white guided down
Upon grasses green and cement walks brown.
Word of the Day: Scrupulous
Quote of the Day: "Advent means coming to understand what it is to be in expectation of the Life of Jesus, and living thus." Pastor John
Nov 26, 2010
F Sharp
F Sharp isn't a particularly nice sounding note. I never liked playing it on Flute because it always had this awkward sound which screamed "I don't belong here!" On Piano, it just gets caught up in the nice sounding Bb major, or F major keys. And if the finger accidently hits it, the F Sharp just sounds all wonky and uncalled for, thus screwing up an entire song, and causing an over-all annoyance to all listeners.
See what I mean? It's just a terrible note. It sounds awful. All I want to do is have it diminished into an F. Especially on the last note. I just want it to be a good sounding note.
Word of the Day: Soup
Quote of the Day: "I'm always waiting on Dorm 17!" Amanda, quoting God.
See what I mean? It's just a terrible note. It sounds awful. All I want to do is have it diminished into an F. Especially on the last note. I just want it to be a good sounding note.
Word of the Day: Soup
Quote of the Day: "I'm always waiting on Dorm 17!" Amanda, quoting God.
Nov 25, 2010
Life Lessons: Proper Underwear Identification
With Andrew Hoover
That was crazy when that man became pregnant, eh? Oh, hello perfect segway into undergarment identification. Everyone knows that November is underwear identification awareness month, therefore I must provide my expertise on the matter. There comes a time in everyone's life when they find themselves rummaging through a ghetto washing machine, humming the mission impossible theme song, and coming to the realization that nothing in the washing machine is yours. Your mind goes blank, your hands start to shake, a single tear rolls down your anger stricken face! You then make the assumption that some crazy, deranged man has stolen all of your laundry! But then you see it. A white, ragged, "ghetto fab" pair of Toronto Maple Leafs underwear! SCORE! The clothing thief has left a pair of your underwear. You then start racking your mind as to why he has left this particular pair of underwear! You pull it of the washing machine, extremely angered, and start flailing it around in the air. You will then look at the holey underwear and decide that you must throw them away. With rage you throw the underwear into the trash can, fall to your knees, and break down crying. As you pull yourself together you will stand up, and open the next washing machine. Surprise! You find out that you actually use the washing machine beside the one you just opened. Then you learn that the clothing thief has the exact same pair of torn up, "ghetto fab", Toronto Maple Leaf underwear as you do.
As underwear idetification month comes to a close, I encourage you to double check the washing machines. Lets make undergarment identification month every month. Lake this world a happier place, safe from undergarment thieves.
"Ode to the Undergarment"
Undergarment, undergarment, how I love the.
100% cotton, as cozy as can be.
When I put you on, I feel so rad,
When you rip in the butt I feel so sad.
I love my undies so much I have a shrine.
Yo yo underwear you're so cool, yo so fine.
I'd rather have underwear than a sharp knife.
Oh sweet undergarment stay in my life!
Stay classy introweb.
Remember, there are crazy underwear robbers.
And they will steal your underwear.
Word of the Day: Intonations
Quote of the Day: "Don't blame Nietzsche's disciples for what his theories have become. Blame Freud." Dr. Faber
That was crazy when that man became pregnant, eh? Oh, hello perfect segway into undergarment identification. Everyone knows that November is underwear identification awareness month, therefore I must provide my expertise on the matter. There comes a time in everyone's life when they find themselves rummaging through a ghetto washing machine, humming the mission impossible theme song, and coming to the realization that nothing in the washing machine is yours. Your mind goes blank, your hands start to shake, a single tear rolls down your anger stricken face! You then make the assumption that some crazy, deranged man has stolen all of your laundry! But then you see it. A white, ragged, "ghetto fab" pair of Toronto Maple Leafs underwear! SCORE! The clothing thief has left a pair of your underwear. You then start racking your mind as to why he has left this particular pair of underwear! You pull it of the washing machine, extremely angered, and start flailing it around in the air. You will then look at the holey underwear and decide that you must throw them away. With rage you throw the underwear into the trash can, fall to your knees, and break down crying. As you pull yourself together you will stand up, and open the next washing machine. Surprise! You find out that you actually use the washing machine beside the one you just opened. Then you learn that the clothing thief has the exact same pair of torn up, "ghetto fab", Toronto Maple Leaf underwear as you do.
As underwear idetification month comes to a close, I encourage you to double check the washing machines. Lets make undergarment identification month every month. Lake this world a happier place, safe from undergarment thieves.
"Ode to the Undergarment"
Undergarment, undergarment, how I love the.
100% cotton, as cozy as can be.
When I put you on, I feel so rad,
When you rip in the butt I feel so sad.
I love my undies so much I have a shrine.
Yo yo underwear you're so cool, yo so fine.
I'd rather have underwear than a sharp knife.
Oh sweet undergarment stay in my life!
Stay classy introweb.
Remember, there are crazy underwear robbers.
And they will steal your underwear.
Word of the Day: Intonations
Quote of the Day: "Don't blame Nietzsche's disciples for what his theories have become. Blame Freud." Dr. Faber
Nov 22, 2010
The City Harmonic
Nice sounding name, isn't it.
Well, this is an introduction for The City Harmonic. The band is made up of a bunch of guys. The drummer is a friend of mine, Josh VanderLaan. So, because I think they are pretty fantastic, I'm asking you all to watch this video.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Word of the Day: Clandestine
Quote of the Day: "Nice socks!"
Well, this is an introduction for The City Harmonic. The band is made up of a bunch of guys. The drummer is a friend of mine, Josh VanderLaan. So, because I think they are pretty fantastic, I'm asking you all to watch this video.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
Word of the Day: Clandestine
Quote of the Day: "Nice socks!"
Nov 19, 2010
I Wish I had Funny Stories to Tell Too!
I'm considering making 'Life Lessons with Andrew Hoover' a weekly thing.
Word of the Day: Sunrise
Quote of the Day: "I hid under your porch because I love you." Dug (from Disney's UP)
Word of the Day: Sunrise
Quote of the Day: "I hid under your porch because I love you." Dug (from Disney's UP)
Nov 18, 2010
Words from Andrew Hoover
Hello readers (and Mom),
Today you have the special priviledge of reading the random thoughts of Mr. Andrew Hoover, the comic relief of Dorm 24. I cannot be held responsible for anything he says. And the worst part is, I now have to make him coffee.
Here it goes:
Good morning readers, I come to you from a black hole. Well I'm not really, but that remids me of a poem I wrote in grade 4. It went a little like this.
Dear life you are falling down a black hole.
Thats as far as I got on the poem because I didn't know what a black hole was. I also didn't have life. As I sit here in a orangey-brown chair that reminds me of the last time I vommited (I'm not complaining, it was a rather enjoyable experience) thoughts of the thug life cross my mind. Back in my thug life days I had many dangerous encounters. I once microwaved a grilled cheese sandwitch, peeled it apart, and threw it at a window. It did not stick. I was upset. I was so upset. I was very very upset. I will now share a few lyrics from my hit rap group "No Breaks". . .
I love all my dogs
I love to bark with them
I love all my dogs but I hate the system.
I will now introduce my latest segment entitled "Life lessons with Andrew Hoover".
There comes a time in everyone's life when they find themselves standing beside a water bed with a sharp pencil. Now, there comes that time in everyone's life when they need to make that tought decision as whether to drop the pencil or PENETRATE THE TIP OF THE PENCIL DIRECTLY INTO THE HEART OF THE WATER BED LEAVING THE WATER SPEWING FROM THE CENTER. Stab the water bed. Don't look back, don't take a second look, stab that bed. You do not want to look back and think to yourself "I should have stabbed that bed". I've been fortunate enough to have experienced this before. I stabbed the bed. No regrets. I still drool over the thought of the water spewing out of that bed. Stab the bed. Do it.
I leave you with this thought to rattle in your brains! If you could only eat lucky charms or cheerios for the rest of your life, what would you choose? Think of the consistancy. Think of the children. Think of John F. Kennedy.
My name is Andrew James Hoover,
and I approve this message,
Aliens exist,
Trust me, I worked at a shoe store.
Word of the Day: The
Quote of the Day: "Fisher Price is Apollonian." Aaron Vedder
Today you have the special priviledge of reading the random thoughts of Mr. Andrew Hoover, the comic relief of Dorm 24. I cannot be held responsible for anything he says. And the worst part is, I now have to make him coffee.
Here it goes:
Good morning readers, I come to you from a black hole. Well I'm not really, but that remids me of a poem I wrote in grade 4. It went a little like this.
Dear life you are falling down a black hole.
Thats as far as I got on the poem because I didn't know what a black hole was. I also didn't have life. As I sit here in a orangey-brown chair that reminds me of the last time I vommited (I'm not complaining, it was a rather enjoyable experience) thoughts of the thug life cross my mind. Back in my thug life days I had many dangerous encounters. I once microwaved a grilled cheese sandwitch, peeled it apart, and threw it at a window. It did not stick. I was upset. I was so upset. I was very very upset. I will now share a few lyrics from my hit rap group "No Breaks". . .
I love all my dogs
I love to bark with them
I love all my dogs but I hate the system.
I will now introduce my latest segment entitled "Life lessons with Andrew Hoover".
There comes a time in everyone's life when they find themselves standing beside a water bed with a sharp pencil. Now, there comes that time in everyone's life when they need to make that tought decision as whether to drop the pencil or PENETRATE THE TIP OF THE PENCIL DIRECTLY INTO THE HEART OF THE WATER BED LEAVING THE WATER SPEWING FROM THE CENTER. Stab the water bed. Don't look back, don't take a second look, stab that bed. You do not want to look back and think to yourself "I should have stabbed that bed". I've been fortunate enough to have experienced this before. I stabbed the bed. No regrets. I still drool over the thought of the water spewing out of that bed. Stab the bed. Do it.
I leave you with this thought to rattle in your brains! If you could only eat lucky charms or cheerios for the rest of your life, what would you choose? Think of the consistancy. Think of the children. Think of John F. Kennedy.
My name is Andrew James Hoover,
and I approve this message,
Aliens exist,
Trust me, I worked at a shoe store.
Word of the Day: The
Quote of the Day: "Fisher Price is Apollonian." Aaron Vedder
Nov 17, 2010
How to Act
Word of the Day: Paraprosdokian
Quote of the Day: *There actually isn't anything to put here today, Dr. Loney and Dr. Faber weren't all that funny. It could just be because I am tired and couldn't pay a lot of attention in class. Oh! Wait! I have one!*
"My face is perfect, mathematically speaking." Emily Groot
Nov 15, 2010
Blessings, Prayers, and Papers
I am sitting in the Crown office, currently, mucking my way through a paper on John 13:1-17. This is the story where Jesus washes the disciples' feet. I'm a little overwhelmed, and slightly antsy, and I really just don't want to be writing this paper right now. That is slightly problematic.
This morning I was on the Student Life panel for Campus Visit Day. It was pretty cool. I got to answer some questions about Student Life at Redeemer within the dorms. Myself and another guy were the representatives of the RAs. Students seemed really receptive. But the most fun was watching the parents' expressions as they listened to everyone ask questions and then listen to members of STLife try to answer them. I remember my Campus Visit Day. Oh goodness, do I ever remember NOT wanting my parents there. I remember not paying attention to much until I got to experience one of the classes. It was English 222 with Dr. VanRys. I remember being really excited because they were talking about a Leonard Cohen song against 'The Lady of Shallot.' Right then, I knew. This was my school. I think I even took notes in that class.
Looking back, I'm glad my parents came along. I would not have listened enough to the information sessions. I don't think I paid too much attention to the session on Financial Aid, or Dorm Life, or any of that. But regardless, 3 years later, I am sitting in an office in the school, writing a paper, after encouraging other prospective students to come here.
I'm sure the right choices will be made. There is a difference in Campus Life this year. I cannot really explain it, except to say that God is moving in the hearts of those here at Redeemer. Last night, I was watching a movie with a friend of mine, and the five people who were sitting at the kitchen table, suddenly got up (2 guys from Chad and Nathan's dorm and 3 girls from my and Amanda's dorm) went downstairs and closed the evening in prayer. Emily came back upstairs and I asked her what had happened, and she told me this: "We decided that before someone leaves at the end of every night, we're just going to go downstairs and pray, thank God for the day, and be in fellowship."
It's been an honour and a pleasure to be with these people this year. I feel like God has blessed Amanda and I with a wonderful group of girls, and an extended family in Chad and Nate's dorm, where we have the most incredible brothers and sisters in Christ. Amazing.
Word of the Day: Hermeneutics
Quote of the Day: "I want to start the class off thinking about Bottom." Dr. Loney
This morning I was on the Student Life panel for Campus Visit Day. It was pretty cool. I got to answer some questions about Student Life at Redeemer within the dorms. Myself and another guy were the representatives of the RAs. Students seemed really receptive. But the most fun was watching the parents' expressions as they listened to everyone ask questions and then listen to members of STLife try to answer them. I remember my Campus Visit Day. Oh goodness, do I ever remember NOT wanting my parents there. I remember not paying attention to much until I got to experience one of the classes. It was English 222 with Dr. VanRys. I remember being really excited because they were talking about a Leonard Cohen song against 'The Lady of Shallot.' Right then, I knew. This was my school. I think I even took notes in that class.
Looking back, I'm glad my parents came along. I would not have listened enough to the information sessions. I don't think I paid too much attention to the session on Financial Aid, or Dorm Life, or any of that. But regardless, 3 years later, I am sitting in an office in the school, writing a paper, after encouraging other prospective students to come here.
I'm sure the right choices will be made. There is a difference in Campus Life this year. I cannot really explain it, except to say that God is moving in the hearts of those here at Redeemer. Last night, I was watching a movie with a friend of mine, and the five people who were sitting at the kitchen table, suddenly got up (2 guys from Chad and Nathan's dorm and 3 girls from my and Amanda's dorm) went downstairs and closed the evening in prayer. Emily came back upstairs and I asked her what had happened, and she told me this: "We decided that before someone leaves at the end of every night, we're just going to go downstairs and pray, thank God for the day, and be in fellowship."
It's been an honour and a pleasure to be with these people this year. I feel like God has blessed Amanda and I with a wonderful group of girls, and an extended family in Chad and Nate's dorm, where we have the most incredible brothers and sisters in Christ. Amazing.
Word of the Day: Hermeneutics
Quote of the Day: "I want to start the class off thinking about Bottom." Dr. Loney
Nov 14, 2010
Before the Advent season
I have started listening to Christmas music.
I know that it is only the 14th of November. I know that it isn't cold enough for snow. I know that it is too early to put up the Christmas tree (though, I will likely do that this week, too). I know that black Friday doesn't happen until after the American Thanksgiving. I know that Remembrance Day was only 3 days ago.
I know that the Advent season has not started yet.
But what is wrong with being excited about the birth of my Saviour?
Christmas isn't some secularized tradition to me. It isn't about presents, or finishing exams, or snow, or Christmas trees (although, these are fun parts of the holiday season). It is about the fact that in a little over 40 days, I get to celebrate with my family and friends the fact that my God became human in order that He should die for my sins. He died so that I can have life.
My playlist is not filled with songs about Santa Claus. I get tired of the songs about snow and sleigh-rides (though, the romantic - and romance in the literary sense, here - idea of it all, is fun, and does add to the joy of the season). I'm not concerned with Frosty the Snowman, or the Grinch who stole Christmas, mostly because these things don't define Christmas.
Yet, as I look ahead to the Advent season, I can't help but be excited. Excited for lighting candles, for reading through Isaiah in preparation. For seeing family. For finishing exams (goodness, those are coming up quickly). For seeing houses lighted up. For seeing God's creation asleep under a blanket of snow. I'm excited to be a part of the body of Christ as it celebrates the coming of Jesus. He is the greatest gift there is.
That aside, I love snow, and wouldn't mind if Ancaster got some of that this year.
Word of the Day: discourse
Quote of the Day: "God created woman, and placed her in front of Adam, and he said, 'Wo! Man!' " Pastor John
I know that it is only the 14th of November. I know that it isn't cold enough for snow. I know that it is too early to put up the Christmas tree (though, I will likely do that this week, too). I know that black Friday doesn't happen until after the American Thanksgiving. I know that Remembrance Day was only 3 days ago.
I know that the Advent season has not started yet.
But what is wrong with being excited about the birth of my Saviour?
Christmas isn't some secularized tradition to me. It isn't about presents, or finishing exams, or snow, or Christmas trees (although, these are fun parts of the holiday season). It is about the fact that in a little over 40 days, I get to celebrate with my family and friends the fact that my God became human in order that He should die for my sins. He died so that I can have life.
My playlist is not filled with songs about Santa Claus. I get tired of the songs about snow and sleigh-rides (though, the romantic - and romance in the literary sense, here - idea of it all, is fun, and does add to the joy of the season). I'm not concerned with Frosty the Snowman, or the Grinch who stole Christmas, mostly because these things don't define Christmas.
Yet, as I look ahead to the Advent season, I can't help but be excited. Excited for lighting candles, for reading through Isaiah in preparation. For seeing family. For finishing exams (goodness, those are coming up quickly). For seeing houses lighted up. For seeing God's creation asleep under a blanket of snow. I'm excited to be a part of the body of Christ as it celebrates the coming of Jesus. He is the greatest gift there is.
That aside, I love snow, and wouldn't mind if Ancaster got some of that this year.
Word of the Day: discourse
Quote of the Day: "God created woman, and placed her in front of Adam, and he said, 'Wo! Man!' " Pastor John
Nov 11, 2010
Remember, Remember.
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders Fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders Fields.
- John McCrae
These words were written to honour the men and women who died in order that we may have freedom. They were written in order that we should remember.
This year, I also think of the men and women who have given their time to be part of the American and Canadian Armed Forces. I have had several friends who have joined the Navy, the Army, and Search and Rescue squads since I began University. I thank God that they are willing to be trained so that if the need should arise, they will step up to the call and serve.
But Remembrance Day takes a special meaning on for Christians. This day honours those who gave their lives in order that we may life in freedom. Sounds an awful lot like Christ, doesn't it.
I thank my God and Saviour that I may life in a country that allows me to worship freely, to pray freely, and to live in freedom.
Today I was at Walmart with a friend. At 11am, the speakers started playing The Last Stand. The entire store paused for a moment of silence. Every man, woman, child stopped and stood in meditation, in respect for those who had died. For those who had died and so that we may live.
Christ died also that we may live. Honour him.
Word of the Day: Exegesis
Quote of the Day: "Why doesn't anyone ever say four sixths? It's such a good fraction!" Jenny Guild
Nov 10, 2010
Heaven-song By Phil Wickham
This video was shown to me by Jenny, one of my lovely girls. Listen to the lyrics. Revel in God's glory and power.
Word of the Day: propellant
Quote of the Day: "I want you to tell me who decided that blue was the boy colour and pink was the girl colour!" Ezra Branderhorst
Nov 9, 2010
The World Wide Web (among other delightful things)
I recently discovered something really exciting about Blogger. They have added a Stats button on the top of the page that allows you to view information about your blog. I've always been curious to know where my teeny-tiny neck of cyberspace has made it to, that this button actually intrigued me.
And I learned a few interesting things about my readers.
1) My most avid reader is my mother.
2) Sugarnuggets comments on my blog most often.
3) The two websites that direct readers into my blog most frequently are: My Facebook Profile, and Erica Akers.
4) Someone in China read my blog. I thought that was cool, and then I wondered how they would be able to read it.
5) My blog gets average of 10 hits a day. And the most commonly read entry? The Big Bug With Lots of Legs.
Really, very useless information to you all, however I found it quite interesting.
Also useless, is this painting. I typed in 'a funky painting' in google images. It's called 'a funky tree'. It was the first one that came up. Useless.
Word of the Day: moue (a pouting grimace)
Quote of the Day: "I'm a woman, therefore I'm manipulative by nature."
And I learned a few interesting things about my readers.
1) My most avid reader is my mother.
2) Sugarnuggets comments on my blog most often.
3) The two websites that direct readers into my blog most frequently are: My Facebook Profile, and Erica Akers.
4) Someone in China read my blog. I thought that was cool, and then I wondered how they would be able to read it.
5) My blog gets average of 10 hits a day. And the most commonly read entry? The Big Bug With Lots of Legs.
Really, very useless information to you all, however I found it quite interesting.
Also useless, is this painting. I typed in 'a funky painting' in google images. It's called 'a funky tree'. It was the first one that came up. Useless.
Word of the Day: moue (a pouting grimace)
Quote of the Day: "I'm a woman, therefore I'm manipulative by nature."
Nov 6, 2010
The Lame Shall Walk
God really does make the lame able to walk again.
Amanda's roommate of last year has been in France. Her mother has had MS for 25 years. Recently, she has undergone surgery in Costa Rica, and has, since, slowly been able to regain use of her muscles. Her story can be found here.
Praise God.
Word of the Day: sturdy
Quote of the Day: "I feel like I am in a parallel universe!" Emily Groot
Nov 5, 2010
Here is a video that I find very interesting. He has a very good speech on Modern Education.
Happy Friday!
Word of the Day: Identicle (yes, one of my teachers spelt identical that way.)
Quote of the Day: These things are so needy, emotionally. If you don't bring them flowers every day, they turn off on you." Dr. Loney on overhead projectors.
Oct 29, 2010
The Point of No Return
I truly believe that one of the most interesting phenomena involved in essay season is the point of no return. It hits people in different ways.
Some people get stressed, lock themselves in their rooms, and refuse to dress themselves or shower for days. For a shower becomes the reward for every correctly placed comma, period and citation.
Some avoid the work. They dance and laugh and scream about campus because life with friends is better than life with essays. The problem with that logic is that if life is exclusively with friends, the essays come back to haunt (failing grades included).
Some work weeks ahead of time in order to perfect every word, sentence and paragraph. They spend hours with books, dictionaries, thesauruses, headphones and library cards. They note-take, highlight, sticky note, and organize every bit of information they come across.
Or some, like me, procrastinate. They don't procrastinate in the name of friendships or fun, movies or entertainment. No, they procrastinate because it is what they have learned to do. Consequently, this procrastination stems into a flower of caffiene, late nights and excellent papers. Don't ask me how, but these people (myself included) get worse marks when they have done weeks of preparation, than when they have written the paper the night before it is due.
Further, I am the type of the person who reads and takes notes during the process. So, my procrastination, paired with the strict attention to detail, causes me to, well, look depressingly at my daunting stack of books.
Sometimes I get essay topics I like (example: current paper being written on the history of literary criticism regarding Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glasss by Lewis Carroll). They stem into sub-topics (Freudian interpretation, Feminist interpretation, theory of text interpreted as political/cultural allegory), or sub-sub-topics (cultural and historical surroundings of text and how they relate to previously mentioned sub-topics). Sometimes I get essay topics I do not like (an article review on something pertaining to the History of Africa), and everything that can go wrong, will (the missing 'Pocket Guide to Writing in History' which is necessary for the article review, since it outlines how the professor would like it written and cited). Other times, the essay topics cause conflict with normal class work (reading 76 pages of 'The Ode Less Travelled' by Stephen Fry, completing a '5 senses' poem, reading Midsommer Night's Dream, 3 chapters of African History). Still other times, surprise work comes (an email from a professor, informing me that, in order to remain enrolled in a 400 level creative writing course - I am the only 3rd year registered for it - I must have a 15 page portfolio handed in by Wednesday) and complicates an already disgusting life of work even further. Other times still, extra curriculars call, and offices need to be cleaned.
This is the point of no return for me. Normally, students will hit that point back at the second essay. I may have also hit that point at the second essay, but luckily for me, insanity is a very large part of my life, off-setting the realization that I'm in over my head.
I have 4 VERY solid days of homework coming up.
I also discovered that, in order to graduate with a double honours major and a minor, I will need to stay at Redeemer for an extra year, as I have 21 courses (and 4 semesters...5 courses a semester...yes, that's the right math) that I still need to take. It is a very good thing that I LOVE school.
Word of the Day: brain-dead
Quote of the Day: "England would be merely a free-floating political aggregate held together by nothing more glorious than money or self interest, devoid of its once cherished cultural and spiritual landmarks - a godless place not unlike the chaotic underground into which Alice falls i her first adventure, or the 'backwards' world she discovers just beyond the comforting bourgeios looking-glass." - Donald Rackin
Oct 23, 2010
Songs of Praise
May these songs be a blessing to you during this rainy autumn day.
Word of the Day: Christmas
Quote of the Day: "Everything's a declaration for you, isn't it." Ben Lootens
Oct 15, 2010
It's Out!
There are a few exciting things happening in my life. God is Good.
1) The Crown has published its second issue. It can be found here.
2) By God's Grace, I have been working on organizing a trip to Juarez, Mexico. For those of you who have followed by blog for a while, you may know that I love the city of Juarez. My experiences there, in a large part, have shaped me into who I have become. Last April, God put it on my heart to get a Redeemer team to go down and serve the people of Juarez. I would like to keep you, the readers, updated on how things progress. I ask for one thing: prayer. Please pray that God blesses the preparations and planning of the trip. Please also pray that God leads the right group of people to take part in this trip. If you have any questions, leave me a comment.
God Bless.
Word of the Day: intrinsic
Quote of the Day: "Good, now that everyone's here, I can take off my pants." -Amanda Fraleigh
Oct 6, 2010
A Prayer
One of the girls in my dorm have started a morning prayer group.
This morning at 7am several students gathered in the prayer room and spent an hour praying for the school. It was awesome.
In my first year, a group of RAs got together and started early morning prayer, but after they graduated last year, that group sort of died off. One of my girls realized that there is a strong need for prayer for Redeemer. She saw a need for active prayer. And she made it happen.
This morning was the first meeting. 7am, in the cold, when it was still dark, we went to the school. Six students gathered and we prayed. The hour went by so quickly, and seeing God's faithfulness throughout the day was incredible.
This morning, there was also Chapel, and we were asked to write down burdens on a peice of paper and leave them at the altar. This was a great idea, except that...I was so at peace from the morning prayer that I couldn't write anything down. My day was just held in the hands of my Saviour, and I could really feel it. Everything I did, I was just at peace. It was such a great feeling.
I pray that God will bless Redeemer. I pray that Redeemer will be a light to Hamilton. I pray that the students will see and feel God move. That the staff anf faculty will reflect a Christ attitude in all they do. And I pray for peace.
Word of the Day: thenst
Quote of the Day: "You know what I'm talking about. That love at first sight. You are at a party, and your eyes meet, and something goes BOING!" -Dr. Loney
Sep 25, 2010
Life in Dorm 17
The following are a collection of photographs from the last 3 weeks. (I did promise they would come!)
Frog Olympics. Black Team came in 2nd Place!

Niagara Falls. Six of Eight sitting on the really big chair.
Beth and I thought we were pretty cool, being all Royal Mountie and Moose-like.

The next two photographs were done by Maryanne Farrow. She is a Redeemer Alumnist and good friends with Amanda. Paired with fun outfits and sunshine, they turned out quite lovely.


Word of the Day: apparition
Quote of the Day: Today's quote is the sound of the raindrops, finally.
Sep 21, 2010
Public Service Announcements
Introducing something new.
Or, someone new.
Someones new?
I think. Can someone be made plural?
Two of the girls in my dorm have started a blog! I feel compelled to announce them over my own blog, and so, I send you their way! Take a glance, stay awhile. They are friendly people, I guarantee it! (They also smell pretty good, but that really isn't relevant to their writing, thoughts, and posts.)
Introducing Meredeth!
Introducing Emily!
In other news,
The first Crown Issue of the season has made it to stands! I encourage passers-by to click on over to The Crown's website for a look into what made headlines this month. The Crown has had a change over of staff; a new EIC, Managing Editor, Digital Editor and Copy Editor. It is an exciting year. Volume 28 has sit 'news-stands' now!
I also picked up a cold. I haven't been sick all summer, but now, the first day of Autumn, and low and behold - Headcold!
Erica has made it safely to France; she got her Student Visa the day she was supposed to leave. So, she has made it safe and sound. Her musings can be found here.
I will post photographs later. There are many of those to come!
Word of the Day: Advil
Quote of the Day: "Every time I turn around, I'm afraid someone is going to throw a spitball at me." Dr. Bertone
Sep 14, 2010
The Socrates and Plato Predicament
Warning: There is an excellent chance you won't understand what this blog post is about, and if you don't, that is because my brain functions oddly, not because you are unintelligent.
Except you, Craig.
: )
This is Socrates. Socrates is the first known philosopher. He is a man of great intelligence. In my mind, until today, he was a real person, a human being who lived, breathed, thought, and had his philosophy written down by Plato. I accepted this, I didn't question it...
Last year I had a really bad philosophy professor. I would have appreciated coming out of that class with a mid understanding of what different philophers talk about. I mean, I paid him money to teach me, and he didn't. Capitalism in education failed me... anyways...
Then, today, Dr Faber, my English Prof who is teaching the course on Literary Theory, started the course off with two writings of Plato. For those of you who are not familiar with Plato, The Republic (one of his most well known works) is a dialogue between Socrates (who was Plato's teacher) and other various characters. The Republic is an analogy of the perfect society. Plato talks about many things. Mostly just ideals about how his republic would be (or Socrates' republic... it gets muddled there in my head.) including how he feels about poets. To Plato, the poet is an imitator, and the imitator takes the focus away from the Forms, because we humans are dumb and don't understand anything. And, because we humans are not philosopher-kings, we don't have a direct link to the Forms and therefore can't be trusted with imitations because we're just that stupid.
And then it occurred to me.
What if Socrates is nothing more than a figment of Plato's imagination? He was a character in an analogical writing to make a point.. After all, we don't have any writings that are specifically Socrates'. All his ideas are portrayed through other philosophers of later times, and his cause of death was this: he was killed because he was accused of corrupting the youth with ideas...
However, the most evidence we have on his life is through Plato...
And another thing, Socrates (through Plato) was super against written word (not to mention mass production) because we mere humans would focus on the word, therefore being corrupted and led far away from the Forms. Which would likely mean that, and I'm just throwing this out there, that Socrates would not have appreciated Plato publishing his thoughts and ideas about Life, the Universe, and Everything.
And if that's not enough, Rene Magritte taunts you with his 'pipe'.
Yay literary theory!
And for your viewing enjoyment...
Word of the Day: encomium (means speech or writing that praises someone formally)
Quote of the Day: "I'm reading Plato! That used to be, 'I'm eating Playdo!' " -Aaron Vedder
Sep 10, 2010
The Beginning and the Looming Sleep Cloud
Remember how I complained that I was bored?
Remember when I said that I was looking forward to my brain having something useful to think about?
Well, school started.
Last week was RA/HA training. This is one of the most intense weeks of the year. It is when all the RAs and HAs get fed with mountains of information on how to save lives, invest in the dorm spiritually, use a fire extinguisher, and deal with any up and coming problems that may arise during the year. Its all fine and dandy, until you are so overwhelmed by seeing all your friends that you have missed so much over the course of the summer, that it cuts so far into your hours of sleep that you suffer near exhaustion by the end of the week.
And then you move the girls in and realize that you have become old and incapable of keeping up with 18 year olds and their fast paced, witty, conversations.
And then you start with the classes, and the homework starts to pile on. And then you realize that there is no way to have sleep come back to you, even though you wish for it so dearly, and it hangs above you like a looming storm cloud that only wants to lightening but never rain.
Okay, its a bit of an exaggeration.
But seriously, I have done over 40 pages of reading this morning, and I have another 300 pages to do before tonight is over.
The semester begins.
OH! The final Marineland commerical count was 95.
Word of the Day: Cabbage
Quote of the Day: "My initials are MVP...I think that pretty much makes me awesome!" Meghan VanPelt
Aug 29, 2010
Yesterdays and Tomorrows
This summer, I worked the worst job I may ever have.
Housekeeping at Redeemer is no picnic. I have experienced one of the darkest sides of the school, and it is a side which I never hope to see the likes of again. If it has been nothing else, this summer has been a learning experience. It has been a summer of firsts.
First time paying rent.
First time paying utilties.
First time (in about 6 years) going to the Canada Day fireworks.
First time working a Sunday.
First time legitimately living on my own.
First time being angry at Redeemer.
First time letting boys sleep in the basement.
First time sending a package through the post office.
First time doing MY OWN groceries.
First time hating a job.
Ranting about Redeemer's Campus Services and the awful experiences I have had with the administrative side of the school could be worth a blog post - it could also be worth a Crown article. This entry will, however, be more of a reflection on my summer; a summer I didn't do a great job of documenting.
I have learned a lot this summer. I have learned that I do not like working behind the scenes. I like to be in charge, and I tend to be vocal when I don't agree with my supervisor's actions (ie. we work hard, and the supervisor watches shows on the computer...last time I checked, being a manager doesn't give you the trip to work less, but harder...) I have come to measure my own sanity in the number of dorms I can clean, or the days I can go without doing dishes...
I have also been preparing for one of the most incredible experiences of my life - to be a Residence Advisor for six first year girls. I have been praying for them, and preparing myself for the responsibility, and getting excited about everything that is to come. I have stressed about a disagreement between myself and my Co-RA, and also been completely thrilled when her and I have agreed on basically all the big stuff. I am learning to step back and not be in complete control...and to take one day at a time.
This summer has been busy. It has been full of fun times and frustrating ones. It involved movie nights and pizza, girls nights with Kait, a trip to Webster's Falls, a hypothetical trip to the Toronto Zoo, many hours vacuuming, scrubbing showers, making beds. It has been a summer of weddings, professions of faith, baptisms, and Friends.
One of my favourite things to do this summer was to walk to church on Sunday morning in the sunshine, with my shoes off, down the sidewalk. I loved coming into the church which was lit by the sun, and letting the entire week fall at the door. I loved worshipping, listening, learning. God has been good.
This summer has brought some goodbyes, some hellos, and some see you laters. I said goodbye to one of my best friends at Redeemer as he travels to Halifax to do his Masters at Dalhousie. I said hello to all the girls I worked with this summer. And the see you laters, I hope, are for all the people whom have become such a vital part of my life this summer, but will probably never see me once essay season starts...
The upcoming year is going to be a challenging one. It will stretch every part of me. The girls will teach me, and I will teach them. My classes will challenge me, and the Crown will knock off any remaining energy I have. I will be sleep deprived, I will be crazy, and I will be hanging on by my faith in God.
So, yesterdays lead in to tomorrows.
A change of seasons.
MCC: 91
Word of the Day: Initiation
Quote of the Day: "It's the leaning tower of Cheese-a!" Emily Williams
Aug 22, 2010
It's weird when your best friends start getting married. Sharing their day with them is wonderful.
Charlene and David Westerveld, August 20, 2010
Best Wishes to both couples.. (sadly, we couldn't find Hilbert for the second photo)
MCC: 78
Word of the Day: Packing
Quote of the Day: "Meals go bad when they are put in the fridge without cover." Geo Roome
Aug 19, 2010
Quick Update
I realize it has been a few weeks. I have been very busy. Work is work. The entire school is preparing for incoming students. I attended the wedding of one of my dorm-mates from this past year. There will be photos to follow.
I have another wedding to attend tomorrow. Yes, on a Friday. But the bride is one of my best friends from Redeemer, and I am incredibly excited. I will update on that one too.
MCC: 78
Word of the Day: Sore
Quote of the Day: "The awkardly mobile part of the Astro-family." A radio commercial
Aug 2, 2010
Facts of August
My apologies, dear readers. I have been posting sporadically over the summer months and it needs to be corrected. So, in honour of August's first post, I have a bunch of facts about August.
1) August was named after Caesar Augustus. The month was originally 29 days long, but 2 days got added because Caesars feel pretty good about themselves. (I would too, if I was the ruler of the Roman world.)
2) Cleopatra was born in August.

3) My little sister was born in August. She's turning 18 on August 11. It's kind of a big deal.
4) Apparently there were a whole bunch of really important battles fought in August. They must have been important, considering I did not recognize any of the names of these battles, nor the dates they were fought on.
5) Apparently, August 5th is Beer Day. A day to celebrate beer. Just what this world needs.
6) Everyone's favourite french dictator was born on August 15th, 1769. I want to say Europe would never look the same, but its geography hasn't changed much. Apparently Napoleon was pretty short. Though, he can't be too bitter, he did get ice cream named after himself. Exile paid off after all.

7) August is Cataracts Awareness Month, Happiness Happens Month, Get Ready for Kindergarten Month, and my favourite: Panini Month.

8) Hawaii became the 50th US state in August.
9) In common years, no other month starts on the same day of the week as August, except on leap years. Then, August has to trade its individuality in so that February can be extended.
10) August means "defined" or "imposing".
And there you go!
Now for something I like to call 'Alex Reads Twilight'.
MCC: 54
Word of the Day: Confused
Quote of the Day: ... Actually, today is quoteless. Instead I will leave you with these wise words. Bonus points if you can tell me who said it without looking it up. :D
And that has made all the difference.
Jul 24, 2010
Sweet Weekend
For the first time in weeks, I have a weekend off work. So far I have:
- Had Cousin Katelyn up for a visit. We went out to dinner, the Jacob Outlet store (I got a sweet pair of pants for $5.oo) and saw Inception in theatres. Inception was unbelievably awesome. It may have trumped Toy Story 3 in my books for favourite summer movies. We took a trip to Limeridge during the day. I re-vamped my wardrobe entirely, deciding that it was time to permanently be rid of my old clothes. Those Garage tank tops from 2005 have to go.
- Cleaned the House. Anticipating a group of friends coming over tonight, I had to clean the main floor and bathrooms of the house. Kait and I get pretty lazy when we come home from work. We clean all day, and so we really don't feel an overwhelming need or desire to clean when we come home. This afternoon, following Cousin Katelyn's departure, I took an hour and a half and cleaned the kitchen from top to bottom, the bathrooms on the main floor and upstairs, and the living room.
- Bought 3 new books. I know I said I wouldn't. But I recently finished the Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde, and thoroughly enjoyed it. The problem was, in his well-readness, characters had names of other literary figures that I had heard of, but not interacted with, so I picked up a Charles Dickens novel in the hopes that it would fill in some of the blanks.
- Did laundry. I figured that before I started packing the old clothing up, I should wash it, so that when I send it to the second-hand store, it would clean. Next, I will need to start making piles in my room of new, old, Salvation Army, and Garbage. Time to clean out my drawers.
MCC: 51
Word of the Day: Sweet
Quote of the Day: "It's okay, I'm lumpyshmooface3." The guy at the Bluenotes. He was making fun of my email address.
Jul 21, 2010
Matters of July
Time to post.
Kait and I are currently in the process of baking. She has taken on the impressive task of butter tarts, and cupcakes. I am making apple-blueberry crumble. I don't know why, but we just felt the need to bake.
My movie collection is getting larger again. I want to own as many Disney movies as I possibly can. I realize that by the time I have kids that will watch them, DVDs will probably be non-existant, and I will have wasted money, but the use they will be this upcoming year as an RA...oh, they shall be loved.
So, this weekend, HMV had a sale. And I picked up 3 movies for $30 ($20 of that was Disney).
1) Pretty in Pink: Did you know that they were originally going to cast Charlie Sheen as the male lead, where Jon Cryer plays Duckie? Would the dynamics of Two and a Half Men be the same had that been the case?
2) [500] Days of Summer: A very well done break-up story told out of order. Loved this movie. Kait and I laughed our heads off when we watched it, and I feel like I will need to watch it again a few times to pick up all the clever lines.
3) Finding Nemo: a Disney-Pixar classic. Just keep swimming. It sits on the shelf beside Tarzan, Hercules and The Incredibles. I also have The Rescuers, but Mom is borrowing that one.
Now, for the Disney movies I am waiting for to come out of the vault (so I can buy them, obviously):
- Aladdin
- Mulan
- The Lion King
- The Hunchback of Notre Dame
- Pocohontas
- The Little Mermaid
- The Rescuers Down Under
- Wall-E
- The Princess and The Frog
- The Sword and the Stone
- Peter Pan
- Robin Hood
I can live without Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, The Black Cauldron and a few others...
But oh, I love Disney.
MCC: 51
Word of the Day: economical
Quote of the Day: "And later in the show, we'll find out why Toronto is angry at Niagara Falls..." Chum FM morning radio host
Jul 8, 2010
So, I guess its been a while since I've updated the good ole BK spot here, eh?
MCC: 31
Word of the Day: Maid Service
I bought a fish. I wanted a guitar, I still want a guitar, but instead I bought a fish.
He is a Betta. His body is pink and purple, his fins start off blue and transition into a deep crimson red. I named him Northrop.
Believe me, there was much debate about the name. Suggestions were flying: it could be a Sheldon, it could be a Merlin, it could be a Steve. I think I even tossed around the name Alfred for a while. Then I remembered that I named the dead chipmunk Alfred, so I couldn't name my beautiful fish that. I finally settled for Northrop. I did, in fact, name my fish after Northrop Frye - everyone's favourite Canadian literary critic. His red fins also kind of reminded me of Winthrop from The Music Man (that, and I had the Wells Fargo Wagon song stuck in my head at the time).
Now, let me tell you a little about Bettas. They are supposed to be brightly coloured, and very mellow, and not very big on the whole swimming thing. To which I think: "Yay! Low maintenance!" Bettas are supposed to eat once daily. They don't have large appetites because, well, they aren't very large fish. They need to be able to breathe at the surface because they actually breathe oxygen from the air, not from the water itself (cool fact). They are native to small ponds and puddles in Japan. Males are very territorial and don't like seeing other male betta fish on their turf.
Northrop, however, is not your average Betta. He does the whole breathing at the surface thing really well, but everything else seems to be an issue. Northrop is smart. He knows when I feed him. He knows how to swim into the cup when the water needs to be changed. He also figured out that the little purple beads I have on the bottom of the bowl will float if he rams into them hard enough. Northrop is the least lazy Betta I have ever seen. He also has no interest in his reflection. Most Bettas will flare up if they see their reflection. He looks at it, and then decides he is hungry and stares at me (actually stares at me) until I give him some pellets.
On a completely unrelated note, isn't it good to know that Matthew Broderick went from this
to this?
to this?
MCC: 31
Word of the Day: Maid Service
Quote of the Day: "Get your butt out of my hands!" Angie to Deanna
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