Jun 6, 2009

A Movie Review

Tonight following an 8 hour BK shift, I plopped on the couch to watch a movie. I flipped channels and noticed that 'The Holiday' was on. I had never seen it and was interested in a sort of girly chick flick kind of movie night, so up I curled on the couch with my blanket, and off into someone else's world I went.

This movie was nothing like I had expected. It was fantastic! The characters were witty and funny and loveable. The lead guys were played by Jude Law and Jack Black, one has been type casted as the hollywood hunk, the other as the cheap comedian, however, both seemed to break that typecast wonderfully! Dustin Hoffman even made a cameo! Female leads are played by Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslet

Without going into details, the girls are both forced to look at their lives from the perspective of another world, and find themselves and what they have always wanted in the context of who they really are. Needless to say, the movie ends with smiles, though I won't tell you who ends up where or how. It is worth the watch, and not your average chick flick.

MCC: 12

Word of the Day: Phleeping (. the act of catching yourself in a drool. )

Quote of the Day: "I have a cow and I sew, how's that for hard to relate to?" Jude Law

1 comment:

sugarnuggets said...

Love that word! too funny....might have happened to me this afternoon around...say....3:30ish