May 11, 2009


I was lucky enough to get one of the book lists for my fall Literature course via email this past weekend. So, following a nice short shift at the BK Lounge, I made my way over to the local library and picked up some of the titles on the list. The good news? These books also make the list of the 1000 books I need to read before I die.

The other ounce of excitement in my life? My wonderful friend, Joel, has offered to send me the copy of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy on MP3 format so I can listen to it to and from work. I hear the version he has is quite entertaining, and I really do love strange fiction.

So there you have it! My life in 2.5 paragraphs!

1 comment:

maria. said...

British novel? I have to reread a bunch of those because it's been a while. It's so hard to stay motivated and actually read an entire book nowadays.