Aug 29, 2010

Yesterdays and Tomorrows

This summer, I worked the worst job I may ever have.

Housekeeping at Redeemer is no picnic. I have experienced one of the darkest sides of the school, and it is a side which I never hope to see the likes of again. If it has been nothing else, this summer has been a learning experience. It has been a summer of firsts.

First time paying rent.
First time paying utilties.
First time (in about 6 years) going to the Canada Day fireworks.
First time working a Sunday.
First time legitimately living on my own.
First time being angry at Redeemer.
First time letting boys sleep in the basement.
First time sending a package through the post office.
First time doing MY OWN groceries.
First time hating a job.

Ranting about Redeemer's Campus Services and the awful experiences I have had with the administrative side of the school could be worth a blog post - it could also be worth a Crown article. This entry will, however, be more of a reflection on my summer; a summer I didn't do a great job of documenting.

I have learned a lot this summer. I have learned that I do not like working behind the scenes. I like to be in charge, and I tend to be vocal when I don't agree with my supervisor's actions (ie. we work hard, and the supervisor watches shows on the computer...last time I checked, being a manager doesn't give you the trip to work less, but harder...) I have come to measure my own sanity in the number of dorms I can clean, or the days I can go without doing dishes...

I have also been preparing for one of the most incredible experiences of my life - to be a Residence Advisor for six first year girls. I have been praying for them, and preparing myself for the responsibility, and getting excited about everything that is to come. I have stressed about a disagreement between myself and my Co-RA, and also been completely thrilled when her and I have agreed on basically all the big stuff. I am learning to step back and not be in complete control...and to take one day at a time.

This summer has been busy. It has been full of fun times and frustrating ones. It involved movie nights and pizza, girls nights with Kait, a trip to Webster's Falls, a hypothetical trip to the Toronto Zoo, many hours vacuuming, scrubbing showers, making beds. It has been a summer of weddings, professions of faith, baptisms, and Friends.

One of my favourite things to do this summer was to walk to church on Sunday morning in the sunshine, with my shoes off, down the sidewalk. I loved coming into the church which was lit by the sun, and letting the entire week fall at the door. I loved worshipping, listening, learning. God has been good.

This summer has brought some goodbyes, some hellos, and some see you laters. I said goodbye to one of my best friends at Redeemer as he travels to Halifax to do his Masters at Dalhousie. I said hello to all the girls I worked with this summer. And the see you laters, I hope, are for all the people whom have become such a vital part of my life this summer, but will probably never see me once essay season starts...

The upcoming year is going to be a challenging one. It will stretch every part of me. The girls will teach me, and I will teach them. My classes will challenge me, and the Crown will knock off any remaining energy I have. I will be sleep deprived, I will be crazy, and I will be hanging on by my faith in God.

So, yesterdays lead in to tomorrows.
A change of seasons.

MCC: 91

Word of the Day: Initiation

Quote of the Day: "It's the leaning tower of Cheese-a!" Emily Williams

Aug 22, 2010


It's weird when your best friends start getting married. Sharing their day with them is wonderful.

Charlene and David Westerveld, August 20, 2010

Lauren and Hilbert Koersen, August 14, 2010

Best Wishes to both couples.. (sadly, we couldn't find Hilbert for the second photo)

MCC: 78

Word of the Day: Packing

Quote of the Day: "Meals go bad when they are put in the fridge without cover." Geo Roome

Aug 19, 2010

Quick Update

I realize it has been a few weeks. I have been very busy. Work is work. The entire school is preparing for incoming students. I attended the wedding of one of my dorm-mates from this past year. There will be photos to follow.

I have another wedding to attend tomorrow. Yes, on a Friday. But the bride is one of my best friends from Redeemer, and I am incredibly excited. I will update on that one too.

MCC: 78

Word of the Day: Sore

Quote of the Day: "The awkardly mobile part of the Astro-family." A radio commercial

Aug 2, 2010

Facts of August

My apologies, dear readers. I have been posting sporadically over the summer months and it needs to be corrected. So, in honour of August's first post, I have a bunch of facts about August.

1) August was named after Caesar Augustus. The month was originally 29 days long, but 2 days got added because Caesars feel pretty good about themselves. (I would too, if I was the ruler of the Roman world.)

2) Cleopatra was born in August.

3) My little sister was born in August. She's turning 18 on August 11. It's kind of a big deal.

4) Apparently there were a whole bunch of really important battles fought in August. They must have been important, considering I did not recognize any of the names of these battles, nor the dates they were fought on.

5) Apparently, August 5th is Beer Day. A day to celebrate beer. Just what this world needs.

6) Everyone's favourite french dictator was born on August 15th, 1769. I want to say Europe would never look the same, but its geography hasn't changed much. Apparently Napoleon was pretty short. Though, he can't be too bitter, he did get ice cream named after himself. Exile paid off after all.

7) August is Cataracts Awareness Month, Happiness Happens Month, Get Ready for Kindergarten Month, and my favourite: Panini Month.

8) Hawaii became the 50th US state in August.

9) In common years, no other month starts on the same day of the week as August, except on leap years. Then, August has to trade its individuality in so that February can be extended.

10) August means "defined" or "imposing".

And there you go!

Now for something I like to call 'Alex Reads Twilight'.

MCC: 54

Word of the Day: Confused

Quote of the Day: ... Actually, today is quoteless. Instead I will leave you with these wise words. Bonus points if you can tell me who said it without looking it up. :D

I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.